Fashion Nail Salon

Fashion Nail Salon

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Editor's Review:

Fashion Nail Salon is Special experience that lets you play as a manicurist. In here, you can use basic nail tools to create beautiful nails for guests. First, you need to help the guest clean, wash the dirt off the hands, and apply Cuticle oil or hand lotion to nourish the skin of the hands. Next, you can use a manicure tool to trim your nails and a nail file to smooth them down.

After you are ready to apply False Nails, you can choose the appropriate Nail Art Stickers. You can choose a variety of different patterns and colors, such as flowers, animals, geometric shapes, etc., according to the preferences and styles of the guests. You can also use accessories such as stick-on nails, nail rhinestones and nail stickers to add sparkle and personality to your nails.

In Fashion Nail Salon, you can apply nail polish according to your preference, such as gradient nail polish, gel nail polish, etc. Decorate their nails. You can paint them in different colors and glossiness to create a variety of stylish and personalized effects.

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Fashion Nail Salon
Fashion Nail Salon

The games on the justfun.games website are sourced from the App Store and Google Play, and then edited and edited by our team. If you are interested in the games on our website, you can download them through the recommended download links, and some games support direct play on the browser. If there is any infringement, please contact us.

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Fashion Nail Salon
Fashion Nail Salon
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