Protect My Dog

Protect My Dog

savethedoge、puzzle、 Brain Burning、Drawing、Girls、Hypercasual、Funny、Online
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Editor's Review:

Protect My Dog is a fun casual puzzle game. The aim of the game is to protect our cute dog from bee attacks. For this, you must create a defensive drawing line at the levels. You should also protect your dog from lava, thorns and different environmental hazards. Fighting the Bees will continue for 50 Levels and things will get a little more difficult with each level.

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Protect My Dog
Protect My Dog

The games on the justfun.games website are sourced from the App Store and Google Play, and then edited and edited by our team. If you are interested in the games on our website, you can download them through the recommended download links, and some games support direct play on the browser. If there is any infringement, please contact us.

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Protect My Dog
Protect My Dog
savethedoge puzzle Brain Burning Drawing Girls Hypercasual Funny Online
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